The Data Usage Monitor tweak from Elias Limneos is a Greek developer’s solution to this problem, and aims to provide an advanced data tracking service that doesn’t interfere with the general day-to-day operation of the device. I know, you might be thinking that other apps already do this, and you’re right, in fact, iOS even has a data tracking option that can be resetted every month. However, as is always the case, the devil is in the details and that is where the Data Usage Monitor tweak excels above all others. It seems that Limneos has pretty much covered all bases with this tweak, and made it as native as possible without the need to launch separate apps or hunt through different settings bundles to find the used data total.
One of the more advanced features of Data Usage Monitor is the fact that it can actually be set to disable access to cellular data based upon user defined cellular data limits. This little option basically ensures that users won’t ever go over their network allocated data. Obviously the tweak doesn’t entirely disable data, in fact, it only turns the radio off in a similar fashion to how SBSettings does, but it would then actually take a conscious effort by the user to re-enable it and keep using data even though they are now aware they are about to exceed their allocated data limit.
Data Usage Monitor is an excellent tracking tweak that fits seamlessly into iOS and works in a non-intrusive manner by displaying the uploaded and downloaded data in the status bar at regular intervals. The tweak is available from the BigBoss repository at a cost of $1.99 and is compatible with iOS 4.2 and above.