iOS 6 gives you more features to make the things you do every day even better. It’s coming this fall, and it’s free and easy to upgrade wirelessly on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch — the moment it’s available.
Redesigned with a more streamlined interface for easier reading and writing, Mail in iOS 6 lets you set up a VIP list so you’ll never miss an important message from your accountant, your boss, or your BFF.5 It’s even easier to add photos and videos to email messages. And to refresh your mailboxes, all you have to do is swipe down.
Ask Siri about sports scores and stats, where to eat, what movies to see — even ask to make Facebook posts. Ask about restaurant - where to it, prices and rate. Siri understands more languages and works in more countries. So you can get more things done in more places around the world.
And most exciting of all, with Siri on the new iPad.
Designed by Apple from the ground up, Maps gives you turn-by-turn spoken directions, interactive 3D views, and the stunning Flyover feature - to see buildings like you see from an airplane. All of which may just make this app the most beautiful, powerful mapping service ever.

New app - Passbook:
You are in a forest and would like to talk with your friends via FaceTime, but there isn't a Wi-Fi connection there, but you don't need a Wi-fi connection now. FaceTime is available over 3G (cellular).
iOS 6 adds new calling features to your iPhone. Now when you decline an incoming call, you can instantly reply with a text message or set a callback reminder. And when things are just too hectic, turn on Do Not Disturb and you won’t be bothered by anyone.
iOS 6 brings even better web browsing to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. iCloud Tabs keeps track of which pages you have open on your devices, so you can start browsing on one device and pick up right where you left off on whatever device is handy. Safari now saves web pages — not just links — in your Reading List, so you can catch up on your reading even when you can’t connect to the Internet. And when you’re posting a photo or video to eBay, Craigslist, or another site, you can take photos and video — or choose from your Camera Roll — without leaving Safari. When you really want to see the whole picture, turn your iPhone or iPod touch to landscape and tap the full-screen icon to view web pages without distractions.
iOS 6 comes with even more features to make it easier for people with vision, hearing, learning, and mobility disabilities to get the most from their iOS devices. Guided Access helps students with disabilities such as autism remain on task and focused on content. It allows a parent, teacher, or administrator to limit an iOS device to one app by disabling the Home button, as well as restrict touch input on certain areas of the screen. VoiceOver, the revolutionary screen reader for blind and low-vision users, is now integrated with Maps, AssistiveTouch, and Zoom. And Apple is working with top manufacturers to introduce Made for iPhone hearing aids that will deliver a power-efficient, high-quality digital audio experience.
Now it’s easier than ever to interact with the world’s largest social network. And there’s no need to leave your app to do it. Share a photo to Facebook right from Camera or Photos. Post your location right from Maps. Brag about a high score right from Game Center. If you have your hands full, just ask Siri to post for you. You need to sign in to Facebook only once, and you’ll be off and sharing. Never miss another birthday or get-together, since Facebook events are integrated into Calendar. And your Facebook friends’ profile information is integrated into Contacts, so when they update an email address or phone number you automatically stay up to date. Now that’s something to post about.
And More
-Game Center challenges
-Game Center Friends from Facebook
-New features for China: new Chinese dictionary and improved text input; support for over 30,000 characters; Baidu, Youku, Tudou and Sina Weibo support
-New privacy controls
-Lost mode: send a phone number to call to a lost device
-Location-based alerts for Find My Friends
-Redesigned stores with a better lock, and now no need to exit the store after downloading an app
-Alarm with song
-App in Safari search results
-Faster Safari JavaScript
-Personal iCloud dictionary
-HDR improvements
-New iPad Clock app
-Search All Fields in Contacts
-French, German and Spanish dictionaries
-Global Network Proxy for HTTP
-Improved keyboard layout
-Custom vibration for alerts